Basic Tags of HTML

HTML or HyperText Language is one of the format used in creating documents and applications that run on web pages.
In this article, I'll write the basic tags of HTML.
Tag is the first tag in the html document.
way of writing this tag:


Used to write a description about the information that a web document is displayed.
way of writing this tag:


A tag inside the head that is used to write the title of an HTML document
way of writing this tag:
<title> Document title </title>
The main section in the web document. At this section, all the contents of the document to be displayed in the browser must be written.
way of writing this tag:

<title>Document title</title>
.....Document contents.....

Heading tags (hx) is used for formatting headings (titles and subtitles) of a web page. There are six headings in HTML, that is, from (h1) to (h6).

<title>exercise 5</title>
<h1> Heading 1 </h1>
<h2> Heading 2 </h2>
<h3> Heading 3 </h3>
<h4> Heading 4 </h4>
<h5> Heading 5 </h5>
<h6> Heading 6 </h6>

Horizontal Rules
Tag Horizontal Ruler <hr>, function to display a 3D horizontal line in the web pages. Horizontal Ruler tag also does not require a closing element </ hr>.

Horizontal ruler element attributes:
align [left | center | rigth] default center
size: pixel (thick line, default 2)
width: length (width of lines, pixels or percent, default 100%) noshade (solid line)

<title> Hrizontal Ruler </title>
<body bgcolor="#222222" text="#FF0000"> 
<h1> Ecommerce book </h1>
< hr width="80%">

<p> Paragraph tags, functions like for arrangement between paragraphs in your web page. Elements contained in paragraph attributes: align = [left | center | right] which serves as a regulator of paragraph alignment, so you simply choose one of these three options without having to give open and close brackets, and the default is left.

<title> Paragraph </title>
<body bgcolor="#222222" text="#FF0000"> 
<h1> Ecommerce book </h1>
< hr width="80%" align="left">
<h4> New lessons </h4>
<p>Outliers: The Strory Of Sucsess</p>

Hopefully Helpful!!!!!

M. Rudyanto Arief, "Pemrograman web dinamis menggunakan PHP & MySQL",
STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, 2011

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